
Genu Recurvatum Symptoms and Causes

키스너 2023. 11. 7. 11:44



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Intervention to control genu recurvatum are focused on strengthening the knee extensor.


However, there are vairous causes for genu recurvatum, including weakness of the knee extensor and flexor, excessive anterior pelvic tilit, decreased lordosis of lumbar spine, deficiency in ankle doriflexion, streteched knee ligamnets, and proprioceptive disorders


The primary cause of genu recurvatum is muscle weakness in the knee joint, whereas a secondary cause is related to weakness of core stability myscles


When the abdominal and iliacus muscles are weakened. hip flexors are predominantly used owing to reciprocal inhibition. This leads to internal rotation and extension of the femur, which causes extension of the anterior cruciate ligament, resulting in genu recurvatum or knee injury





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